
News update on Tazz, he is doing so great, here is the email I got today. "Today Tazz earned his BCAT title in AKC Fast CAT lure coursing. After the fun, he had his first dock diving lesson. I’ve been working with him since the spring and on his first actual time on the dock, he was nailing 18-20’ average jumps. This will put him in the seniors and possibly masters division in NADD Dock Diving rankings. He really enjoys it so we will start him at his first competition in a few weeks. Enjoy the photos!"
- Author
- honeycreekaussies.com
- Created on
- Saturday 21 July 2018
- Posted on
- Sunday 22 July 2018
- Dimensions
- 635*480
- File
- Tazz_2.jpeg
- Filesize
- 92 KB
- Tags
- tazz
- Visits
- 4280
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